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A New Direction in Healing for Individuals, Couples, and Families
The Secret Healer

A while back, I asked Spirit in contemplation to show me the solution to a challenge I was having. The word "Love," illuminated in shimmering light, flashed across my inner vision. At first I was surprised. I thought I would be shown certain practical steps to take, or given a spiritual view of the problem. Then my heart flooded with gratefulness. Of course, love is the solution to everything! I realized that by continuing to spiritualize my consciousness, and by bringing love to the smallest details of daily life, doors would continue to open inwardly and outwardly, providing any help or solutions needed.

No matter how many therapists we see, how many books we read or pills we take, it is always love that brings any true healing. For Spirit to bring healing to our bodies, hearts, and minds, we can ask God to show us how to cultivate a more loving heart.


Forgiveness is an aspect of love. Is there anyone from whom you are withholding love? Practice patience, compassion, non-judgment and understanding.

Bring love to the smallest details of life. Listen to your co-workers. Give attention and time to your family and pets.

If you take medication, look at each tablet and express gratitude for the help it is bringing you. Thank your water, your food and home, appliances and car. Cook with love. Clean with love. Every act, no matter how small, can be a spiritual practice, bringing more love to you and from you.

Silently bless everyone and everything around you with a grateful heart.

You will be the bringer and receiver of the miracles that come on silent feet.

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